Our azaleas have the most vivid colors this year
and have really grown tall..
They are the old southern variety of azaleas and
will grow 12 foot tall or taller.
People ask me how I get my tomcats to let me photograph
them, I tell them you just have to identify with a cat's
personality and be somewhat like a cat!
Bob says your garden looks like Longwood Gardens! that is quite a compliment from him.
IT is beautiful. Until coming here we had a beautiful lavendar clematis in each house we lived in...by the back door. I miss them. and the azaela's and dogwoods and weeping cherrys...but your pics give us a little of home...thanks for sharing!
How sweet of you to say those nice things
about our yard and flowers!
I am so glad to have you enjoy my site
and to have it bring you joy!
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